Data Analytics as a Source of Truth and a Force for Good

Promotional graphic for the Wharton Annual Analytics Conference featuring keynote speaker Jamie Moldafsky, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer at Nielsen.

Advertising, like any other form of content, has the ability to change people. That is its primary purpose, to impact hearts and minds. Its messages are meant to reach consumer segments that inspire audiences to take action. In her keynote address at the Wharton Annual Analytics Conference, Jamie Moldafsky, chief marketing and communications officer at Nielsen, discussed the moral imperative to use data and analytics as a force for good, and ultimately, systemic change.Read More

Three Things to Know About the Direction of Data Analytics

Four headshots with names: Jamie Moldafsky, Rajen Sheth, Alex Arnon, and Stephanie Creary on a blue and purple abstract geometric background.

During the recent 2021 Wharton Annual Analytics Conference at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, leaders in business gathered virtually to discuss the latest business trends in data analytics. The message across industries was clear: data is a powerful tool that companies large and small are using to make deeper, stronger, more effective decisions with the goal of improving everything from products and innovation, to their relationships with customers.Read More

Using Data Analytics as a Source for Change

geometric butterfly

If knowledge is power, then the vast knowledge contained in big data is powerful enough to change the world. But simply harnessing bits and bytes into tidy tables or whizbang algorithms won’t move the needle on progress. Companies, organizations, and researchers must view the data through a social, political, and cultural lens if they want to solve problems.Read More

Climate Change’s Effect on Flights

Passenger airplane flying above clouds during sunset

The COVID-19 crisis wreaked havoc on global and national supply chains, financial markets, livelihoods, and the economy. If the shock of 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that our complex and globalized world needs drastically higher levels of redundancy and resiliency embedded into our institutions, professions, and personal lives alike.Read More

Women in Data Science with Kate Johnson, President of Microsoft US

Kate Johnson WiDS 2021 Keynote Speaker

On February 8-12, 2021, Wharton and Penn Engineering hosted the second annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) @ Penn Conference. On Day 1, WiDS keynote speaker Kate Johnson, WG’94, President of Microsoft US, spoke of the importance of technology as a change agent for inclusion. Kate’s talk was followed by a live Q&A session moderated by Mary Purk, Executive Director of AI and Analytics for Business and AI for Business.Read More