Data analytics helps marketers learn about their customers with target precision, from the movies they watch on Netflix to their favorite scoop of chocolate ice cream. Data is ubiquitous, essential and beneficial — except when it’s not.…Read More
Data analytics helps marketers learn about their customers with target precision, from the movies they watch on Netflix to their favorite scoop of chocolate ice cream. Data is ubiquitous, essential and beneficial — except when it’s not.…Read More
AI and Analytics for Business and Wharton Undergraduate Data and Analytics Club invited Penn students for a virtual conversation with Victor Cho, W’93, about his journey from a Wharton undergrad to the CEO of Evite. …Read More
Businesses must adapt their approach to analytics and AI to factor in post-pandemic buying behavior.…Read More
Businesses must adapt their approach to analytics and AI to factor in post-pandemic buying behavior.…Read More
In this pandemic world, advances in the use of visual media are helping firms to interact with their customers in new ways.…Read More
The pandemic has left many companies with mountains of historical customer data that can no longer effectively help them move forward.…Read More
AI and Analytics for Business announced today that it will partner with Lidl US, a national grocer recently ranked the fastest growing retailer in the United States.…Read More
AIAB is excited to share its new quarterly newsletter. Here you’ll find the latest AIAB news, upcoming programs, engagement opportunities, and thought leadership.…Read More
It is only through the expertise and dedication of our community that AIAB can deliver real business value to our partners and create thought leadership for the business world and beyond. As a token of our appreciation, we are spotlighting the students and alumni who make AIAB the preeminent research center that it is.…Read More
(Published Paper) Benjamin Shestakofsky and co-author describe the relationship labor that is systematically excised from many platforms’ accounts of what they do and missing from much of the scholarship on platform governance…Read More