81% Of Companies Have Generative AI Teams: Smaller Enterprises Lead

programmer test coding technologies with mobile phone for comparing mobile and desktop website. User experience concept.

(Outlet: Forbes) According to a recent study conducted by Wharton professor Stefano Puntoni and consultancy GBK Collective, 81% of large-scale enterprise companies with annual revenues exceeding $50 million have set up in-house generative AI teams consisting of at least 10 members. These findings indicate that generative AI is not merely a fleeting trend akin to cryptocurrency or web3 hype cycles, as noted by Puntoni.Read More

How AI Affects Our Sense of Self

(Outlet: Harvard Business Review) In this article, Gizem Yalcin and Stefano Puntoni, AI at Wharton faculty co-director, emphasize the importance of understanding how interactions with AI and automated technologies impact people’s self-perception, as it can significantly influence various success factors such as sales, customer loyalty, employee satisfaction, and more.Read More