In a new article from the Wall Street Journal, Kartik Hosanagar, Faculty Co-Director of AI at Wharton, highlights how the rise of AI could ultimately reduce the cost college tuition.…Read More
In a new article from the Wall Street Journal, Kartik Hosanagar, Faculty Co-Director of AI at Wharton, highlights how the rise of AI could ultimately reduce the cost college tuition.…Read More
AI at Wharton is thrilled to have partnered with GBK Collective to produce Growing Up: Navigating Gen AI’s Early Years. This is an extensively researched report that provides an in-depth analysis of the state of Generative AI (Gen AI) adoption, its business applications, and future prospects. Written by Jeremy Korst, Partner, GBK Collective, Stefano Puntoni, Faculty Co-Director of AI at Wharton, and Mary Purk, former Executive Director of AI at Wharton, this report comes at a critical moment in AI’s evolution, as companies transition from initial excitement to deeper experimentation and efforts to prove the Return on Investment (ROI).…Read More
On June 6th, 2024, AI at Wharton partnered with Informatica to bring dozens of industry leaders and Chief Data Analytics Officers (CDAOs) to Wharton’s campus for a collaborative brainstorming session with many of our leading AI academics. Their goal was to design a framework for companies and their CDOs to reference in order to responsibly and effectively leverage generative AI and increase value for their firms. We are thrilled to now publish the result of their combined efforts through a new white paper: “Designing an AI-Ready Data Framework for CDOs to Maximize AI Value.”…Read More
Large language models lack emotion and self-consciousness, but they appear to generate reasonable answers to moral quandaries. Professor Christian Terwiesch, Co-Director of the Mack Institute of Innovation Management, spoke with Scientific American about his research on AI and its ability to provide input on ethical decision-making.…Read More
(Outlet: The Philadelphia Inquirer) Kevin Werbach, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, is leading a course on “accountable AI” to address the risks and limitations of artificial intelligence. The course aims to help businesses understand and mitigate AI-related issues, including bias and significant errors. Werbach emphasizes the importance of creating effective accountability frameworks within organizations to manage AI systems responsibly.…Read More
AI at Wharton Faculty Co-Director Stefano Puntoni discusses “Decision-Driven Analytics: Leveraging Human Intelligence to Unlock the Power of Data,” on Talks at Google.…Read More
AI at Wharton Faculty Co-Director Stefano Puntoni and coauthors Mike Ensing and Jarvis Bowers present three ways for marketers to rise to this challenge of adapting to LLM-Powered Search.…Read More
Wharton professors Peter Cappelli, Sonny Tambe, AI at Wharton Faculty Co-Director, and Valery Yakubovich have authored a new article in the Wall Street Journal that discusses current research and predictions on how AI adoption will affect the workforce.…Read More
AI at Wharton’s 2nd annual workshop on Business and Generative AI will take place on September 5-6, 2024, at Wharton San Francisco. Building on the success of last year’s event, the workshop will gather thought leaders and experts to network around innovative ideas and insights into the potential of Generative AI to reshape business models, industries, and global economies.…Read More