Holiday Shopping and Retail Analytics

Text "Wharton Customer Analyticast" in red and blue on a background with light blue dots and red rings.

In this episode of the Wharton Customer Analyticast, Wharton Marketing Professor, Marketing Department Chair, and AIAB Co-Director Eric Bradlow discuss retail analytics and the holiday shopping season with Former Wharton Dean, Marketing Professor, and Director of the Baker Retailing Center, Tom Robertson.Read More

Event Recap: How to Get Real Meaning from Marketing Data

Three images depict speakers and an audience at a corporate event. A "Teradata" banner featuring a hot air balloon is visible.

The digital marketing landscape still resembles the Wild West in some ways. There aren’t a lot of hard and fast rules and the rules that do exist change with each new piece of published research. Marketers do their best to stay current and nimble but it’s easy to fall into comfortable habits that theoretically may work yet aren’t always the most strategic path forward.Read More