(Published Paper) Pinar Yildirim and authors study adoption and utilization of automation within firms of different organizational structures…Read More
(Published Paper) Pinar Yildirim and authors study adoption and utilization of automation within firms of different organizational structures…Read More
(Published Paper) Benjamin Shestakofsky and co-author describe the relationship labor that is systematically excised from many platforms’ accounts of what they do and missing from much of the scholarship on platform governance…Read More
The researchers identify four challenges in using data science for human resource (HR) management tasks: the complexity of HR phenomena, constraints imposed by small data sets, fairness, ethical, and legal constraints, and possible adverse employee reactions to management decisions via data-based algorithms. They propose practical responses to these challenges that would be economically efficient and socially appropriate.…Read More
Prior episodes of automation have led to economic growth and also to many changes in the workplace. We expect the same from artificial intelligence (AI). We provide a method that links advances in AI to occupational abilities, and then aggregates from these abilities to the occupation level.…Read More