(Outlet: Harvard Business Review) Daniel Rock, assistant professor of operations, information and decisions at the Wharton School, and authors discuss how business leaders can leverage generative AI while minimizing risk. …Read More
(Outlet: Harvard Business Review) Daniel Rock, assistant professor of operations, information and decisions at the Wharton School, and authors discuss how business leaders can leverage generative AI while minimizing risk. …Read More
(Outlet: Wall Street Journal) Kartik Hosanagar, John C. Hower Professor and Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions at the Wharton School, on the critical role of building AI skillsets before students launch their tech ventures.…Read More
(Outlet: Federation of American Scientists) Konrad Kording, Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Professor, on measuring how neurons integrate their inputs and respond to them is key to understanding the impressive and complex behavior of humans and animals.…Read More
The article explores the intersection of business and brain science, with the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania using neuroscience to understand decision-making, innovation, empathy, and brand loyalty. …Read More
(Published Paper) Ryan Dew and authors explore the interplay between logo design and brand identity creation from a data-driven perspective…Read More