Updates from AI at Wharton
How AI Could Help Bring Down the Cost of College

In a new article from the Wall Street Journal, Kartik Hosanagar, Faculty Co-Director of AI at Wharton, highlights how the rise of AI could ultimately reduce the cost college tuition. Read More
Navigating Generative AI’s Early Years – AI Adoption Report

AI at Wharton is thrilled to have partnered with GBK Collective to produce Growing Up: Navigating Gen AI’s Early Years. This is an extensively researched report that provides an in-depth analysis of the state of Generative AI (Gen AI) adoption, its business applications, and future prospects. Written by Jeremy Korst, Partner, GBK Collective, Stefano Puntoni, ...Read More
Designing an AI-Ready Framework for Chief Data Officers to Maximize AI Value

On June 6th, 2024, AI at Wharton partnered with Informatica to bring dozens of industry leaders and Chief Data Analytics Officers (CDAOs) to Wharton’s campus for a collaborative brainstorming session with many of our leading AI academics. Their goal was to design a framework for companies and their CDOs to reference in order to responsibly ...Read More