Faculty Co-Directors

Kartik Hosanagar
Kartik Hosanagar is the John C. Hower Professor of Technology and Digital Business and a Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Kartik’s research work focuses on the digital economy, in particular the impact of analytics and algorithms on consumers and society, Internet media, Internet marketing, and e-commerce.
Kartik serves as a department editor at the journal Management Science and has previously served as a Senior Editor at the journals Information Systems Research and MIS Quarterly. He is a ten-time recipient of MBA or Undergraduate teaching excellence awards at the Wharton School and has been recognized as one of the world’s top 40 business professors under 40. Kartik’s research has received several best paper awards. Kartik cofounded and developed the core IP for Yodle Inc, a venture-backed firm that was acquired by Web.com. Yodle was listed by Inc. Magazine among America’s fastest growing private companies. He has served on the advisory boards of Milo (acq. by eBay) and is involved with many other startups as either an investor or board member. His past consulting and executive education clients include Google, American Express, Citi and others. Kartik was a co-host of the SiriusXM show The Digital Hour.
Kartik graduated at the top of his class with a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering and a Masters in Information Systems from Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences (BITS, Pilani), India, and he has an MPhil in Management Science and a PhD in Management Science and Information Systems from Carnegie Mellon University.
Outside of Wharton, he likes to make short films and work on and with startups.
Contact Kartik at kartikh@wharton.upenn.edu.
John C. Hower Professor
Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions

Robert Meyer
Robert Meyer is the Frederick H. Ecker/MetLife Insurance Professor and Co-Director of Wharton’s Human-Centered Technology Initiative. He is a noted scholar whose research focuses on consumer decision making and analysis in a wide range of areas including responses to new technologies, behavioral economics, marketing research methods. Professor Meyer’s work has appeared in a wide variety of professional journals and books, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Marketing Science, Management Science, and Risk Analysis. He is the former editor of the Journal of Marketing Research and Marketing Letters. He has served or currently serves as an associated editor for the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing, and Marketing Science.
At Wharton, Professor Meyer has served as chair of the Marketing Department and Vice Dean of Wharton’s doctoral programs. His teaching interests include courses in New Product Management, Research Methods, and Marketing Strategy, which he has taught at the MBA, executive MBA, and doctoral levels. He is also an active participant in a number of Wharton’s executive education programs.
Professor Meyer joined the marketing faculty in 1990 after spending eight years on the faculty of the Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA, and two years at the Graduate School of Industrial Administration at Carnegie-Mellon University. He also held appointments as visiting professor in the school of Business Administration at the University of Miami, the University of Sydney, and the University of Tokyo.
Frederick H. Ecker/MetLife Insurance Professor
Professor of Marketing

Stefano Puntoni
Stefano Puntoni is the Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing at The Wharton School. Prior to joining Penn, Stefano was a professor of marketing and head of department at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, in the Netherlands. He holds a PhD in marketing from London Business School and a degree in Statistics and Economics from the University of Padova, in his native Italy.
His research has appeared in several leading journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Nature Human Behavior, and Management Science. He also writes regularly for managerial outlets such as Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review. Most of his ongoing research investigates how new technology is changing consumption and society.
He is a former MSI Young Scholar and MSI Scholar, and the winner of several grants and awards. He is currently an Associate Editor at the Journal of Consumer Research and at the Journal of Marketing. Stefano teaches in the areas of marketing strategy, new technologies, brand management, and decision making.
Sebastian S. Kresge Professor of Marketing
Professor of Marketing

Prasanna (Sonny) Tambe
Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
AI at Wharton Team

Carol Heller
Bio forthcoming
Program Coordinator, AI at Wharton
Research Affiliates
Hamsa Bastani
Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
Jonah Berger
Associate Professor of Marketing
Sudeep Bhatia
Associate Professor of Psychology and Marketing
Chris Callison-Burch
Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania
Lindsey Cameron
Associate Professor of Management
Peter Cappelli
George W. Taylor Professor; Professor of Management; Director, Center for Human Resources
Cary Coglianese
Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science; Director, Penn Program on Regulation
Ryan Dew
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Edgar Dobriban
Associate Professor of Statistics and Data Science
Dena Gromet
Executive Director, Behavior Change for Good Initiative, University of Pennsylvania
Barbara Kahn
Patty and Jay H. Baker Professor; Professor of Marketing
Steven Kimbrough
Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
Dean Knox
Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions; Assistant Professor of Statistics and Data Science
Konrad Kording
Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Professor
Cait Lamberton
Alberto I. Duran President’s Distinguished Professor; Professor of Marketing
Brian Litt
Perelman Professor of Neurology
John Paul MacDuffie
Professor of Management
John McCoy
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Barbara Mellers
I. George Heyman University Professor; Professor of Marketing; Professor of Psychology
Shiri Melumad
Assistant Professor of Marketing and Wolpow Family Faculty Scholar
Danaë Metaxa
Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania
Katy Milkman
James G. Dinan Endowed Professor; Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
Gidi Nave
Carlos and Rosa de la Cruz Assistant Professor; Assistant Professor of Marketing
Manav Raj
Assistant Professor of Management
Daniel Rock
Assistant Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
Aaron Roth
Henry Salvatori Professor of Computer & Cognitive Science
Maurice Schweitzer
Cecilia Yen Koo Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
Ben Shestakofsky
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Nina Strohminger
Wolpow Family Faculty Scholar; Assistant Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics
Weijie Su
Associate Professor, Wharton and Computer Science
Christian Terwiesch
Andrew M. Heller Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions; Professor of Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine; Co-Director, Mack Institute
Julia Ticona
Assistant Professor of Communication
Lyle Ungar
Professor of Computer and Information Science
Lynn Wu
Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions
Pinar Yildirim
Associate Professor of Marketing; Associate Professor of Economics
Linda Zhao
Professor of Statistics and Data Science; Academic Director of the Dual Master’s Degree in Statistics